Selecting and Hiring Talent

Using a variety of assessment methods including extensive interviewing, personality and leadership measures and 360 for internal candidates, we create a competency based selection program that ensures you are hiring the best people for the right role. We also create customized role-play based simulations for hiring into certain roles.Our selection assessment processes will enable you to:

  • More clearly identify a candidate’s talents, strengths, and weaknesses
  • Match a candidate’s (or group of candidates’) traits and work preferences to specific job requirements
  • Pinpoint the probability of a candidate’s success in a position
  • Make new employee and succession candidate selection more data driven and reliable by removing the subjectivity of unstructured interviews alone
  • Compare a group of candidates for a position and find the top three
  • Identify behavioral traits that would make it difficult for a candidate to succeed or remain in a position
  • Give you questions to use when interviewing and a way to interpret and rate responses
  • Provide guidance on managing and developing the chosen candidate once hired or chosen in succession planning

Example: A fast growing mid-cap company in the private education sector needed to quickly double their number of local and regional managers in order to meet consumer demands. We carefully assessed the key competencies necessary for success in the different managerial roles. Incumbent managers were interviewed, surveyed, and observed in their work environment in order to accurately identify the critical success factors for their roles. Structured behavioral interviews and role-play simulations were designed and validated. Personality and critical thinking tests were customized to assess key predictors of success and screen candidates. Incumbent managers were trained on how to interview, conduct role-play simulations, and critically analyze candidate’s data. Ten regional Assessment Centers, staffed by JRock consultants and some of the client’s managers, were run simultaneously in order to assess over 200 candidates over the course of 3 days. Forty new managers were selected and the company was able to meet consumer demands.