avatarCharles is Director of Research with Fisher Rock Consulting. He received his B.S. in psychology from the University of Washington, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in industrial and organizational psychology from Ohio University. He is currently an associate professor at Baruch College.
His academic research focuses on issues of diversity in the context of employee selection, measuring individual differences, and assessing employee attitudes. His research examines sources of bias and construct irrelevant variance on standardized and cognitive tests, non-cognitive predictors of job performance, detecting lying and dishonest responding, attitudes toward stigmatized employees, alternative validation strategies, attitude measurement, linking employee attitudes to organizational outcomes, and employee selection. His academic and consulting research draws heavily on recent advances in analytical and methodological techniques, and computer technology.

He teaches courses in statistics, industrial and organizational psychology, human resource management, statistics, and psychometrics in the United States, Singapore, and Taiwan in undergraduate, masters, executive, and Ph.D. programs.